Three beautiful Times!

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Three beautiful Times!

Postby CosmicJoe on Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:20 pm

Here are some pics of my cherished Times:
1982 Time GS12 Pearl Top.jpg
The original finish was a pearl white. I decided to upgrade the top a few years ago. It was a LOT of work, but the results are stunning.
1982 Time GS9 Gold Customized.jpg
I replaced the original "Rat Bite Pickguard" with a gold one and the original Mighty Mite pu's with Seymour Duncan 59's with gold covers.
1980 Time Joe Caron Model Explorer.jpg
This is still my #1 axe. The only modification was removing the stripped down Bigsby Trem and replacing it with a stop tail piece. Aside from that it's all original, including (what I was told were) hand wound pu's & preamp that SCREAMS!
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Location: Barrington, RI

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