Way,Way Back

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Way,Way Back

Postby Merbs on Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:12 am

My husband, Dool, and I moved to Vermont to help begin Time Guitars with Alan Stack way back in the beginning. Alan's first wife, Donna, and I have been friends since high school. We all hailed from Miami Florida back then and Alan had done an apprenticeship with someone as a luthier, and had even already come up with an interesting guitar innovation or two, as a kid.
Alan and Dool were natural friends from the beginning. Geniuses some would say --- a bit dark, but funny and witty and creative together. Our time in Vermont was sadly, very brief --- long on fun, short on money. Dool and I had kids and they had to eat pretty regularly. We abandoned the project reluctantly. We made a lot of music in the house in Bristol. About 1000 choruses of Honky Tonk Woman, and Bobby Magee.
We were there for the renovation of the place in Vergennes and I am so glad to hear that these wonderful guitars are still out there. Dool, my long time beloved, died this past year, and I have been thinking about the old times, and "TIMES". HOPE ALAN IS WELL AND THAT THESE FINE INSTRUMENTS HAVE MADE IT INTO LOVING HANDS. Marie
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